Final Fantasy Xii Sx Os Gamecard Could Not Be Read

Part of what makes Final Fantasy 12 so special is that it's the about complicated in the series.

In many ways FF12 resembles a full-blown tactical game more than a traditional RPG - and that makes sense, since it comes from many of the people behind Concluding Fantasy Tactics. It's even prepare in the aforementioned universe of Ivalice, albeit in a adequately disconnected and alone way.

All that means, however, is that FF12 can get very complicated - and many of the changes and additions in the PC and PS4 Remaster Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age actually serve to make the game even more than complicated. In our review nosotros explained why that's really a good thing, but it does also mean you might find yourself a little lost when you lot start start.

That'south why we're hither, even so! After many, many hours exploring Ivalice both in the original PS2 release of FF12 and The Zodiac Age we know a affair or two nearly the job system, the license board, character strengths and all those other details - and so listen up! Here are our top tips for those getting started on their Ivalice hazard...

final fantasy 12 zodiac age

Choice the best jobs for each of the characters in your party

This is a relatively modest detail, but notwithstanding one worth knowing: Last Fantasy 12'south characters all have natural stats which hateful they'll exist skillful at certain things and less good at others. The job arrangement is completely free-form, however, and then when you're picking a license board and task for your character you lot can cull whatever you want.

This means that you tin make somebody more naturally meant for physical attacking into a mage and so on. The character differences aren't every bit pronounced as in other FFs, so don't let this influence you as well much - but here are the important things to know:

  • The guys are meliorate with combo-heavy weapons and jobs. Vaan, Balthier and Basch will all be able to combo faster and thus practice more overall harm with weapons and jobs that use the game'southward combo mechanic. This goes for the weapons used past the Bushi, Uhlan and Shikari classes. This likewise makes them the natural candidates to exist given the super powerful Genji Gloves armor later in the game.
  • The natural mages are Ashe and Penelo. These two have the strongest base magic stats, making them a great starting point for the mage classes. Don't exist fooled past Ashe'due south utilize of a sword or college assault stat, either - she's truly a mage at heart.
  • Vaan and Fran are jack-of-all-trades - merely Vaan is better. Both Fran and Vaan don't particularly excel in whatever area and are happily able to practice a bit of everything. Vaan, however, is generally stronger and better beyond the board - and so keep that in listen. He's a very useful character.

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Empathise the twelve job roles and what they can do

FF12 features a job for each sign of the Zodiac (thus the name of the game), and each has its own unique strengths and weaknesses in boxing. Before you make a choice on which to use for each graphic symbol, which nosotros'll talk most more than in the side by side point, you should make sure you're approaching each the right way and understand what they all exercise.


The archer's license board gives that job access to bows and light armor in gear terms and excel at beingness mid-range attackers with a range of back up abilities that can weaken enemies. Information technology's ultimately all-time as an offensive support character.

Black Mage

A classic Final Fantasy class, the black mage has access to the highest forms of offensive magic in FF12 and can attack from range. They apply staves and robes, and their license board supports that. Any team should take an offensive magic component.


Bushi, which is basically short for Bushido, is exactly what yous'd wait given the name - a samurai class. It tin unlock katanas and mystic armor on its license board and can also use genji gear. It'due south a high damage job whose damage output is adamant by both magic and strength stats combined.


The Foebreaker's purpose is clear in its proper noun - it breaks foes by reducing their abilities using special 'intermission' attacks that lower enemy stats. They tin can unlock heavy armor and shields and thus can tank, but they're as well vulnerable and are generally more suited to a support role.


The Knight fits the pretty standard sword-wielding, heavy-armor wearing office that y'all'd expect, though with some assist from an Esper they tin can alsog ain access to some white magic. They kickoff out as offensive-oriented, but can transition into a support role in the belatedly game.


The master of all machines, the machinist gets access to guns as well as light armor on its license board. The Machinist is amend off supporting from a distance, and in the late game gets access to some Time Magic to bolster this.


Another all-fourth dimension classic Final Fantasy job previously repped by the likes of Yang and Tifa, the Monk uses light armor and is a mostly physical attacker who also has access to some magic skills as they progress and grow.

Cherry Battlemage

The Red Mage is another classic FF chore dating back to the very get-go game, and here again it'southward a physical/magic hybrid. Its license board can unlock maces, shields and mystic armor as well as a smattering of various magic skills.


Shikari job users can unlock swords, shields and low-cal armor and can end the game as one of the all-time offensive classes, especially when combined with another roles.

Fourth dimension Battlemage

The Time Battlemage is FF12'south version of the archetype Time Mage class. It can unlock bowguns and heavy armor and has a loftier natural speed. The Time Battlemage is all most buffs and debuffs, and is a nifty back up job for either your first or second choice for a graphic symbol.


The Uhlan is similar to the Knight in many means, but instead of swords gets spears to go along with its heavy armor. The Uhlan is more comfortable at a greater range than knights, simply can go access to some breaks afterwards in the game too.

White Mage

The White Mage barely needs any introduction and is your dedicated healer. Like the Blackness Mage this is a dedicated job that is great to begin with but tin really come into its ain one time it combines with another job. They become access to rods and mystic armor, plus a complete range of healing and holy magic attacks.

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In one case you cull a task and license board there's no going back or respec, so choose carefully

We can't exactly attach much actual communication to this one, but it'south an admittedly cardinal thing y'all should know before you offset playing FF12 - there is no mode to disengage your job or license board pick for each character, so once you lot've made your choices yous're stuck with them.

RPGs today tend to spoil yous with respec options, but FF12 is not and then kind - when I asked the devs directly about this they told me the all-time way to respec was to, er, apply the fast-forward to finish the game apace and start over. Yes.

This ways you should plan ahead. There are multiple directions you should think virtually this choice from....

Rules for picking the best showtime job in The Zodiac Age

  • Have your general intended party make-up and boxing manner in mind when picking. Mostly parties volition want a healer, an attacker and a support who can debuff at least - though some jobs straddle the lines betwixt these categories and can do a bit of both.
  • Remember that later in the game y'all'll be given the opportunity to pick a secondary job for each of the characters - so think near what sort of hybrid you want to create by mashing together two jobs when picking your first jobs.
  • Keep in mind the natural graphic symbol strengths and weaknesses listed in the in a higher place indicate.
  • With the above two points in mind, try to be equally forward-thinking as possible.

Rules for picking your 2d job / job combination in The Zodiac Age

  • Call back the points from your first job pic, simply chief among those retrieve to cistron overall team shape into your decisions.
  • Don't recollect you accept to use every grade. There are twelve classes and six characters, which does make for a smashing two each - just y'all may desire to miss some classes entirely depending on the blazon of team you're going for.
  • When picking a 2d class endeavour to first weaknesses rather than increase strengths - for instance mixing a mage and a tank form to brand a high HP, hardy mage, or mixing a dull, heavy physical attacker with a speedy ranged one.
  • Call back that while at that place are 'all-time' choices, there is certainly no 'incorrect' selection - FF12's mechanics are broad plenty that any job combination is feasible. Don't sweat information technology likewise much.

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Learn the gambit system fully, and change gambits often

Gambits are where FF12 gets really, properly complicated. This system unlocks early on only will absolutely define your experience with the game. Without gambits, y'all'll exist stuck micromanaging every grapheme manually and trapped pausing combat every few seconds - and this is absolutely not the way FF12 should be played. In fact, it'll exist miserable if you lot endeavour to play it that fashion - so don't.

Gambits are basically programming code that tells your characters what to practise in battle. Gambits might tell a character to attack an enemy's weakness, or focus on the weakest or strongest enemy in a group specifically. Your white mage might have an automated set of gambits so they're constantly healing and buffing, prioritizing those who use it most.

When used properly, the histrion should exist setting up detailed gambits earlier major battles and and so hopping into the menu every now and then to alter the gambits over or switch certain ones on or off depending on the boxing conditions, while during the actual boxing you'll be far more easily-off. At first you'll only accept a few gambits, merely as yous progress through the game yous'll unlock more via your license boards.

The gambit organization tin can seem overwhelming at first and it might put you off, but we can't stress enough the need to embrace the gambit system early on. It opens upward slowly, and if you lot kickoff early it'll be a lot less of an intense learning experience. Enjoyment of FF12 is near entirely rooted in understanding this unique gameplay mechanic.

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Libra is the nearly important skill in the game - grab its license and use it to start every boxing

Far more than than whatever other Terminal Fantasy, FF12 The Zodiac Age is full of enemies that absolutely need their strengths respected and their weaknesses exploited. In social club to do this yous need to know them, though - and yeah, while you could hit upwardly an enemy weakness guide on gamefaqs or something, there is one problem with that - your gambit-using characters tin can't read that guide.

You tin set gambits and so that characters deliberately exploit enemy weaknesses, but to practice that you'll need to really scan enemies to find those weaknesses out - that's what Libra is. It as well tells you an enemy's full HP.

Libra is an absolutely vital skill, and casting Libra on new enemies should be the first gambit in boxing for at least one of your party. Information technology also makes traps visible on the battlefield. Libra is a Technick skill and only costs 20LP to buy - then yous should take hold of it early.

The Archer, Machinist, Monk and Shikari jobs all have admission to this technick naturally. The White Mage and Bushi tin as well gain access to it via the Cuchulainn Esper license and Belias license respectively.

Steal is almost equally important as Libra, and then practice the aforementioned with that

FF12'southward steal skill is peculiarly useful besides, so one time you have access to a task that can apply information technology you should set it to trigger at the start of the battle, with one or 2 characters ideally using it on all enemies with 100% HP until another character does some impairment - making information technology an opener. Enemies often acquit great stuff that's well worth having, but don't forget to turn this off during fruitless, difficult encounters.

Vaan, Balthier and Fran beginning the game with this technick unlocked already, simply if yous need it on another character the Machinist, Archer or Ruby-red Battlemage classes can all acquire the license for it naturally. Blackness Mage tin can too earn this license with the Esper Hashmal used to unlock that section of its license board.

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Accept care using the high speed mode around new enemies

Because of the focus on enemy strengths and weaknesses mentioned to a higher place in FF12, you should too be extremely careful using that high-speed mode that's included equally a new addition for The Zodiac Historic period. That motility lets you speed the game up to double speed or quadruple speed with a press of L1, thus assuasive you to speed through trash battles.

Exist careful, still. Enemies that might look similar trash mobs can very quickly turn the tables on you and utterly overrun you unless you're careful. The fashion strengths and weaknesses piece of work in FF12 mean that the tables can plow extremely quickly fifty-fifty when you're focused on the game at regular speed, and y'all could zip towards a game over in high-speed mode in an instant.

When first encountering new enemies in new areas, slow things down, consider them, cast libra on them, and so gear up your gambits and the like appropriately. Only so striking that speed up button!


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