What Can I Make With Leftover Spaghetti Sauce

If you've ever put a jar of half-used marinara into the fridge but to find that it'due south become moldy and gross by the time you go dorsum to use information technology, you're non lonely. It happens to me, similar, all the fourth dimension. I always intend on using upwards the leftover spaghetti sauce simply I seem to lose track of my jar as it gets buried deeper and deeper in the state of war zone that is my refrigerator. This ways that I'm non only wasting food, but I'm also wasting my hard-earned cash.

But I'm turning over a new foliage, guys. In an try to be less wasteful and more creative in the kitchen, I prepare out to find some piece of cake and unique ways to use up my extra marinara. Whether you find yourself with a few leftover tablespoons or an entire cup, y'all're sure to find something here y'all'll want to whip up. Just earlier you get-go scrolling through all the yummy ideas, sort through the best and worst pasta sauces to ensure the jars in your shopping cart are salubrious ones. Later, be certain to cheque out our list of the 100 Easiest Recipes Yous Can Make.

olive tapenade

Have company coming over for a dark of Heads Upwardly and drinks? Wow them with a delicious tapenade that only looks complicated to make. To make it, combine 1 cup of pasta sauce with a 1/2 cup of chopped Kalamata olives, 1/2 cup of chopped roasted peppers, and a tablespoon of capers. Garnish with some chopped parsley and serve with carrots, celery, and crackers. Or if yous want to get extra fancy, mix the tapenade with some store bought hummus then smear the concoction onto slices of French bread. Peak each one with some arugula for a punch of colour and peppery season.

stuffed zucchini boats

If you lot've been looking for a no-fuss, healthy side dish to back-trail all of your get-to Italian-inspired entrees, this is information technology. To make the dish, beginning by preheating the oven to 350°F and slicing iv zucchinis in half, lengthwise. And then, scoop out the seeds with a spoon and brush both sides of the zucchini with extra virgin olive oil. Place on a foil-lined baking sheet and add together some tomato sauce, chopped tomato, grated Parmesan cheese, rosemary, thyme, common salt, and pepper to gustatory modality. Bake for 15 minutes then broil for the last 3 minutes, or until the cheese is slightly brownish.

eggplant parmesan for one

Every bit tempting equally it may exist to merely zap a frozen meal on the nights when you're eating dinner alone, y'all're better off eating something that's fresh. (Trust us, your gustation buds volition thank you!) Next fourth dimension you're nibbling and Netflixing solo, consider making this Eggplant Parmesan for One by nutrient blogger Betsy of BetsyLife.com. Bated from the ½ loving cup of marinara—which you already have—the recipe just calls for 5 additional ingredients. And since the eggplant is baked—not fried—this comforting dish is one you tin can feel skilful about digging into.

tomato vinaigrette

Whether you're serving upwards a steak and spinach salad or i made solely from beans, you lot'll beloved how your produce tastes smothered in a savory and bold love apple vinaigrette. Combine a spoonful of pasta sauce with a 1/4 cup of red vino vinegar, 1/2 cup olive oil, basil, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Whisk everything together and drizzle over your meal of option.

english muffin pizza

The only thing better than pizza dark? I that helps you lot use upward your leftover sauce. All y'all demand to make these cute mini veggie pizzas is Ezekiel English muffins, leftover jarred tomato plant sauce, chopped veggies, and mozzarella cheese. Afterwards you lot top the muffins with whatsoever sauce you lot've got left, pile on the veggies and cheese and pop 'em in the oven for x minutes at 375°F. While they're baking, combine the leftover veggies with some greens and dressing to make a filling and nutritious side salad to complement your mini pizzas.


While there are a million versions of meatloaf, you can make our simple become-to every bit long as y'all take 1/ii cup of pasta sauce hiding out in your fridge. Add it to a basin along with ii.5 pounds of lean, grass-fed footing beef, i/2 loving cup of seasoned dry out breadcrumbs, 1 egg, and 1/4 loving cup of chopped onion. Mix everything together with your easily and form into a loaf in a greased eight×8 blistering dish. Meridian with a few more hearty spoonfuls of sauce and broil at 350°F for an hour or until the center is no longer pink.

mussels marinara

This poly peptide-rich Italian recipe volition warm you from the within out. Kickoff by sauteing some minced garlic in olive oil in a deep skillet. So, add a small-scale compression of saffron, one/iv loving cup white vino, 1 cup of love apple sauce, and ane.v pounds of muscles. Encompass the pot and cook for about 5 minutes or until the mussels open up. Yum!

simple ratatouille

If the only ratatouille you're familiar with is the moving-picture show nigh the rat who longs to exist a dandy chef, y'all're totally missing out. Packed with veggies and flavor to boot, there's nothing not to beloved about this classic, marinara-smothered dish. To get in at domicile, saute some garlic, chopped bell peppers, eggplant, onion, yellow squash, and zucchini in olive oil. Add together 1 cup of sauce and a ½ cup of water to the pan, along with some fresh basil. Permit the mixture to simmer until tender before excavation in.

buffalo chicken wings

Shake things upward this game twenty-four hour period—and employ up your leftover pasta sauce—with a new Buffalo wing recipe. In a medium or large basin, combine equal parts marinara and hot sauce and so coat the chicken wings in the mixture. Bake at 425°F for xl minutes to create an app that's cooked to perfection.

eggs in purgatory

Along with some mouthwatering spicy, flossy, and salty flavors, you lot'll find protein, good carbs, a scrap of good for you fatty in this dish, likewise. To brand this a.g. hangover helper, simmer 2 cups of pasta sauce (or 1 1/2 cups of sauce with 1/ii cup of water) in a small skillet, along with a clove of minced garlic, ruby pepper flakes, salt, and black pepper to sense of taste. Crack in ii eggs, comprehend and cook until the whites ready. Top with grated parmesan cheese and enjoy!


Running low on salsa for your dinnertime fiesta? Your leftover pasta sauce can come to the rescue! Mix a cup of marinara with a dash of hot sauce, two tablespoons of lime juice, corn kernels, black beans, chopped cilantro, and diced cherry onion. And voila! You lot've got a bowl filled with instant salsa.

veggie noodles alla vodka

Traditionally made with heavy foam and white pasta, penne a la vodka isn't exactly a dish dieters are eating without abandon. Just with a few smart swaps, it's totally possible to indulge without undoing a week's worth of healthy eating. To make a skinny version of the archetype recipe, simmer a ¼ cup of Greek yogurt and i.5 cups pasta sauce in a skillet for five minutes over a low flame. (Beware: The yogurt will curdle if you lot plough the flame upwards too loftier.) Remove from the rut and stir in a ¾ tablespoon of vodka and then toss with spiralized veggies. We similar carrots and zucchini ribbons best, only any veggie is fair game.

cocktail sauce

Forgot to pick up cocktail sauce for your shrimp cocktail? Head to the fridge and pull out your leftover tomato sauce. When combined with a fleck of horseradish (gustatory modality it until you've reached the desired taste), it creates a killer stand in.

italian quesadilla

If a piece of pizza and a quesadilla were to fall madly in honey and have a baby, information technology would be this savory and sweet Italian quesadilla. To make i at home, spread some of your leftover spaghetti sauce on a medium whole grain tortilla. Then, top with mozzarella cheese and veggies, fold it in half and so pan-fry until gilt brown and the cheese is melted.

bloody marys

While near people don't think "bloody mary" when they see a jar of marinara, you lot can score yourself a tasty weekend morning weekend choice-me-upward. (Only don't try this with the meat varieties.) Mix 1.5 to iii ounces of vodka (that's ane or 2 shots) with a ½ cup of pasta sauce, a ¼ cup of water, 3 tablespoons of lime juice, and a ½ tablespoon of horseradish. If you're feeling actress fancy, top your drinking glass with a celery stalk, Worcestershire, and hot sauce. You'll observe some of our meridian hot and spicy picks in our special report, best and worst hot sauces—ranked!

spaghetti squash lasagna

If y'all love the thought of low-carb zoodles but aren't too crazy about spending time transforming the veggie into ribbons, spaghetti squash is about to be your new BFF. In one case you lot cut the squash in half, remove the seeds, drizzle with a bit of EVOO, and roasted in the oven, the inside takes on a stringy consistency. To go the 4-ane-1 on how to make this ricotta enhanced rendition perfect for lasagna fans, click on over to SkinnyTaste.com.

stuffed peppers

When y'all have a bunch of odds and ends lying effectually the kitchen, making a batch of stuffed peppers is an easy way to combine them together to create a new, delicious meal. Dig through your fridge for cooked quinoa or rice, cooked veggies, marinara, and cheese. Once y'all've found all of your leftover goodies, cutting the meridian off a bell pepper, remove the seeds, and fill up it with a bit of everything. Top the pepper off with a bit of extra cheese and pop it into a 350°F oven until the cheese becomes gooey and brown.


Upgrade a typical grilled cheese with grown up ingredients for a panini-esque creation that's all your own. Spread a layer of leftover spaghetti sauce on a slice of sprouted whole grain bread, layer on your favorite cheese, tomatoes, spinach, and mushrooms. Top things off with another slice of bread and toast in a skillet until the staff of life is brown and the cheese begins to melt.


Source: https://www.eatthis.com/leftover-pasta-sauce/

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